Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Wow - winter is certainly not over, despite the lovely week we've had. As I look outside, the cars are completely covered in snow again! Hopefully it will warm enough for us to have our Winter Festival on Friday - we will decide tomorrow after school. Thanks to Mrs Frederick for volunteering to help our class.

We have had a wonderful couple weeks at school, and we have worked very hard to finish off our science unit, math unit and health units. Our new unit in math is fractions & decimals, and so far, students are ROCKING!  Hopefully the rest of the unit goes this smoothly. We are wrapping up our social unit on Decision Making in Saskatchewan. We have learned a bunch of new words like "constituency, Members of the Legislative Assembly, candidate and nominated."  We will be having a mock debate soon in our class.  In health we are wrapping up the unit on sight and hearing, and will begin talking about self esteem. This unit will tie in with our Christian Ethics theme of looking at how God created us uniquely.
Finally, we have been working at getting our drama done for art. This is part of English Language Arts unit about sending a message, and our message is about how God calls us to be loving and kind to others, not bullies. All parents are welcome to come to our drama production (which will be during our chapel time on March 9th).

Blessings to you and your family as you enjoy being together on Family Day on Monday, and the week off for the kids.

Spelling & verse
Finish spelling sentences
Practise drama lines

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